Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Havana Conference Part 1

In 1946, Luciano, now living in Italy after being deported and barred from America had grown a curiosity about Cuba. In early fall 1946, when Luciano was living in Rome, he got word in a sealed envelope through a newly deported U.S Mafioso. In the envelope was a paper with three words, “December Hotel Nacional”. Two Italian passports were issued to Luciano in late September, in his real name, Salvatore Luciano. On those passports were visas for Mexico, Cuba and several other South American Nations. Since the moment he was deported, Luciano had been planning to get back to America, a plan which was now becoming possible and even though he still couldn’t get in to America, he could get very close to it. 

In late October Luciano left Italy for Caracas, Venezuela, from Venezuela he flew to Mexico City, where he boarded a private plane to Havana. Arriving in Havana, Luciano was greeted by his childhood friend and associate Meyer Lansky. Luciano first stayed in a luxurious suite in the Hotel Nacional and then moved into a spacious home in the suburb of Miramar. Lansky, on Luciano’s orders had organized the conference for the week of December 22 in the Hotel Nacional. Lansky suggested that Luciano should purchase a $150 000 interest in the Hotel Nacional, a hotel which was owned by Meyer Lansky and his silent partner, the Cuban President Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar.

In December 1946 the Havana Conference was in motion. Top Mafioso’s from all over the United States bolted into Havana. All of the guests brought envelopes full of cash for Luciano, to welcome him back from exile and to recognize the authority he still had in the Mafia. This money was handed to Luciano at dinner on the night before the conference started. The dinner was hosted by Meyer Lansky, Frank Costello and Joe Adonis and the money which Luciano was given amounted to more than $200,000. Frank Sinatra was performing at the Hotel Nacional that week and that was the cover story for the conference. The mobsters were supposedly all there for a gala party in which Sinatra was the entertainment. Frank Sinatra flew in from Chicago to Havana with Al Capone’s Cousins, Charlie, Rocco and Joseph Fischetti. Joseph “Joe Fish” Fischetti, an old acquaintance of Sinatra, acted as his chaperone and bodyguard, while the other two Fischetti’s delivered a suitcase containing $2 million to Luciano. The $2 million was his share of the U.S rackets he still controlled. 

The most significant items on the agenda of the Havana Conference were the leadership and authority of the Mafia in New York, the mob-controlled Havana casino interests, the narcotics operations, and the West Coast operations of Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, especially the new Flamingo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Luciano’s main concern was the situation in New York. Luciano had been away from several months and was not happy with the growing tension in New York. Previous acting Boss for the Luciano Family, Vito Genovese had returned from exile in Italy and was not happy with Frank Costello being the boss and him just being a capo regime and having a minor role in the organization.